2008年10月29日 星期三

North Korea threatens to turn South Korea into 'debris' as relations sour


With misunderstanding and selfishness, it’s easy to make war between two hostile countries. I can’t explain the exactly reason why these two countries, North Korea and South Korea, will become like this, but I can tell you it is an irrational behavior.

We always say we are king of all the animals which means we should have much wisdom, judgment, and ration. In the civilized world, violence should be forbidden including wars. No matter what happen, war is the most backward way to negotiate with each other even if they use high-technology weapons. These two countries, North Korea and South Korea, are in this situation. They use nuclear weapons to force both side to order commands. Wars will destroy the world peace which is hard to maintain now and break incalculable families. In fact, I can’t image what my life will be if any country and Taiwan go to war.

On the other hand, no matter how we dislike the country, we still have to respect them. Actually, people in that country have their own rights to choose the regime. Just like both sides of Korea, they are in totally different regimes which are democracy and communism. I think South Korea government’s behavior will absolutely provoke North Korea’s. Maybe the both of leaders care about the nation sovereignties and want to use armed strength to force the other side to change their regime to become unified country. I believe there will be a better solution about these problems and make our world more peace and harmonious. (282 words)

2008年10月22日 星期三

A short but sweet tour: Biking the Houfong trail


My Reaction:
Taiwan has many beautiful scenery but most of us have not explored them yet. Also, I haven’t visited Taichung since I moved into NCHU’s dorm. By riding bike to visit a place, I think it is very healthy and save energy. Therefore, the bicycle path is an useful facility to everyone who wants to ride bike through fields or explore another new world.

I have read a search report from England energy experts indicating that perhaps all the transportations including airplanes, trains, ships, etc, using fossil fuels will become extremely expansive in 2030 because the sources of energy is getting not enough. That’s the reason why bicycles are so popular right now. The first reason to ride a bike is that we can save the earth and prevent the world problems such as Global Warming and Green House from becoming more and more serious. We just to step on the pedals and it will move on. It is the advantage that bikes don’t need any fuel to keep it moving. There is another reason that exercise makes everyone healthy. Actually, riding a bike can be an exhausting exercise.

On the other hand, it’s really relaxed when we bike through those magnificent views in country or field. I always want to have a simple trip like that; I don’t need luxury hotel or prosperous shopping area. All I want is to be with nature and wash out unhappiness. Irrefutable, exercising and viewing scenery are good ways to release pressure. How long have you not been with nature? Depart now and don’t forget to ride bicycle instead driving. (267words)

2008年10月15日 星期三

Icelanders feel chill of banking meltdown


My Reactions:
It really shocked me when I knew the news of Iceland’s financial trouble. Iceland used to be the fourth place of high national income in the world and got the poll of “the most comfortable living area” last year. However, it has become one of the victims of the national financial meltdown because about 70% of its works are about banking. That’s the reason why the financial meltdown which was caused by America subprime mortgage crisis would have such severe impact.

It is a serious problem that what will we do if we encounter the problem? I think it’s not a good solution to borrow money from other countries. The foreign loans will become another big problem even if the country has passed the crisis temporarily. However, Iceland government borrowed about NT 176 billion dollars to overcome the difficulties. The other important strategy which the government should do immediately is to redeem people’s confidence to the administrations and themselves.

Unfortunately, it will be a hard time for Iceland residents. Now they are going to pay their debts of cars, departments, and so on, by the Icelandic currency which plummets. Some people describe the current situation almost like 911 again. It indicates that people extremely worried and anxious about their further life. In my opinion, the financial meltdown will keep causing other problems to different countries and Iceland just emerges first. It will definitely make another panics in the whole world.(240 words)

2008年10月7日 星期二

Drug violence kills at least 49 in Tijuana this week


My Reactions:
The drag violence in Tijuana, Mexico has become more and more serious. The police have found nine more bodies dumped around Mexico border city of Tijuana. Astonishingly, it’s nearly 50 people have been killed in a week because of the violence of drug trade.

It’s confused me that selling drug is illegal and why those people are still trying to use violence? They attack not only their targets but also innocent crowds. They use curly way to kill people by execution-style killings, beheading, and throwing the grenades into crowds of revelers. Dose it indicate that the police don’t do well on their job or they don’t have enough authorities? The drug gangs are too arrogant. They don’t have the right to decide other’s live because of drugs. I think the laws of controlling drugs have to become much more forbidding. Not to mention that we have to give them severe penalties to restrain commit crime.

In my opinion, drug smuggling has to be forbidded and the coast police should check on more seriously. Drug addiction and violence are just like a chronic disease and don’t have any medicine to cure. We have to try our best to improve the situation and don’t let our society’s problem become an incurable malady. On the other hand, the other effective way to solve the problem is to give our next generation correct conceptions about these stuffs such as drug, alcohol, cigarette, and etc. It’s necessary to teach everyone, especially adolescents, to understand the consequence of having or even addicting to these evil stuffs and don’t let them go on a wrong way.(269 words)

2008年10月2日 星期四

Woman goes raw, loses more than half herself


It’s may be really effective way to lost weight if we eat raw foods. The woman, Angela Stokes, who eats raw foods for two years loses 162 pounds(72.9 kilograms).I am not surprise about the news, but I am consider about something else.

It’s not astonished that how many pounds of people's weight have been losed. First, is it really a healthy way to go on a diet? These raw vegans only eat uncooked and unprocessed vegetables, nuts, and seeds. They don’t eat meet or any animal food, and they may run the risk of lacking of vitamin 8-12 and other diseases. In my opinion, going on a diet doesn’t mean we have to use the radical ways to lose weights very fast. By regular exercise and having balance diet, we still can be much more slender in a healthy way.

Second, I think we should look at the problem seriously that why people, especially women, always want to go on a diet even if they are in a good shape, and why heavy girls want to become slender? I think it is not a health conception in people’s mind. No matter we are fat or thin, we should have more confident on ourselves and other sides, not always judge anything by the outlook. Our value is not basic on how we look or how we weight. Just be ourselves and don’t follow the wrong diet wave.